I have recently moved to our nation's capitol to help my sister with her two young children while my brother in law is "keeping the peace" in Iraq. I just started my second week with the kids and have realized quickly each day begins a new. We have had some very good days, where the time flies by unnoticed, and then those days when I can hear each second tick off in my mind over the sounds of screaming in chorus. What does a 16 month boy want when he shrieks as loud as he can... repeatedly!!!?
Any one who knows me knows I love riding my bike. I had a lapse in judgment when I left for D.C. I left my bike behind. There was solid reasoning for my decision. I want another bike. "I will just get another bike when I get there", I says to myself. Needless to say it hasn't happened yet. Not for lack of looking I'll have you know! Many of my free hours have been spent scowering eBay and the local craigslist. My urge to get a bike now has almost driven me to bid on bikes that were too big or not really what I like. Ultimately I have resigned to be patient and wait for one I will love. I'll keep you posted on my progress.